Letter from our President
October 2020
To all our clients and their members,
D.A. Townley continues to follow recommendations from the BC government and the health authorities to fight the spread of the virus by supporting social distancing guidelines and ensuring employees can work safely. This means most of us are still working remotely, and we expect to be doing so into 2021.
Here is a status update of our day-to-day operations:
While our Call Centre is now open, we prefer to continue communicating with you by email. This ensures we can better track and respond to your service needs. Please submit all requests and questions to the appropriate email address below:
Weekly Indemnity Benefits – wiclaims@datownley.com
Pension Benefits and Contributions – pensions2@datownley.com
Health and Welfare Benefits and Claims – health@datownley.com
Paper-based processes may be delayed. To ensure we are able to process your extended health and drug claims and weekly indemnity transactions in a timely manner, we are asking that you submit them to us electronically. Scroll down on this page to learn how.
Our walk-in centre continues to be closed to the public. Instead of dropping off paper claims in our outside drop box we are encouraging you to go digital.
If you do not have direct deposit set up for claims, pension, or weekly indemnity payments, please see information below on how to submit a Direct Deposit registration form. This allows us to make your payments right into your bank account.
D.A. Townley has created this new COVID-19 Resource Centre as a central source of information for our clients and plan members. We will provide regular updates on our response, including our continued improvements to our digital service capabilities. Please check back often.
To keep you and your family safe, healthy and informed on COVID-19, we encourage you to visit the Government of Canada’s coronavirus information website. For more local information, go to the BC Centre for Disease Control or your local health authority website.
Healthy Wishes,
Naveen Kapahi
President, D.A. Townley