How do I submit or request information related to my Pension Benefits?
If you have any pension benefit questions or concerns, please contact our office at 604-299-7482 or Toll Free at 1-800-663-1356, ask for Pensions, or through email to
If your request or question includes personal information please use our secure email tool Mail Express Dropoff Portal. Here are the instructions on how to use it.
If you have the need to submit a pension benefit related form to us, please follow the steps below.
Steps to complete and submit the form electronically
- Download the forms from the email received from D.A. Townley (or D.A. Townley’s website for marriage breakdown forms).
- Open and complete the form in Adobe Reader. DO NOT complete the forms in your browser. Get Adobe Reader from here (it’s free).
- Save the changes to your computer, then close and re-open the forms to ensure your information was saved.
- If required scan or take pictures of any attachments to the forms (e.g., proof of age).
- Email the saved forms and attachments to digitally using our secure Mail Express Tool. Here are the instructions on how to use it.
- Do not mail the forms to our offices.
If you have any pension benefit questions or concerns, please contact our office at 604-299-7482 or Toll Free at 1-800-663-1356, ask for Pensions, or through email to